Ok so now the snows gone, I thought i would share some pics of what it was like here at livefoods by post HQ!

On the left is our showroom, as you can see clearly covered in snow! underneath all that snow is a road that our couriers and Royal Mail use to get in and out from the packing unit, even though I did clear it of snow - i wish i didn't bother as when the Royal Mail finally turned up 6 days later the guy said they were not allowed to go out during the snow because it was too slippy and icy! meaning my road clearing efforts were wasted anyway!

On the right is where we do all the breeding, boarding and our new reptile room are housed, that snows at least 12" deep making for a right old trudge around site!

Some clown with a snowman! I did the roll a snowball from the top of the drive trick and this is how big it was by the time it hit the bottom!
Thankfully its all gone now and service is back to normal as of Monday!