Most people have realised that the best possible diet they can provide for their mediterranean tortoises are weeds. This is after all the tortoises natural diet in the wild. It has been proven that tortoise pellets contain high levels of protein and tortoises fed exclusively on pelleted diets suffer from abnormal growth rates which manifests itself in "lumpy" thick shells also known as pryamiding. Supermarket salads are also fed commonly to tortoises and it must be stressed that these are lacking in the nutritional goodness that a tortoise requires.
So what do you do when its winter, there are few weeds in the garden and your tortoises are not hibernating, they still have to eat after all.
http://www.livefoodsbypost.co.uk/ have just launched a winter seed mix that contains a blend of edible weed seeds, just sprinkle them into a tray of soil, water and leave somewhere warm and sunny and in no time at all you will have a tray of fresh, nutritional greens to feed to your tortoises. Itis advisable to have more than one packet handy so that you can sow them in succession and have a constant supply of fresh weeds.